Height: 6ft 11.625 in
Diameter: 4.02 in
Launch Mass: 20 lbs
Launch Motor: Cessaroni Technology Pro54-5G, K780 Blue Streak
Liftoff Acceleration: 9.94G
Max Velocity: 464 mph (mach 0.612)
Apogee: 5000ft
Max Velocity: 464 mph (Mach 0.612)
Lift-off Acceleration: 9.94G
Flight Timeline
T - 00.00 s: Motor Ignition
T + 00.25 s: Launch Rail Clearance
T + 02.58 s: Maximum Velocity
T + 02.75 s: Booster Motor Burn Out
T + 8 s: ACS Unlocked
T + 18 s: Apogee
T + 18.5 S: Drogue Parachute Deployment
T + 63 S: Main Parachute Deployment, PERR-C Deployment
T + 100 s: Vehicle Touchdown
Primary Mission: Passive Electronic Recovery Reporter - Capsule (PERR-C)
PERR-C is the main payload for our vehicle this year as outlined by the requirements for NASA ULSI 2025. The goal for PERR-C is to safely land 4 STEMnauts and transmit flight and landing zone information from a Student Research and Designed (SRAD) flight computer over 2m (144mhz) radio. The flight computer being developed for this, the Payload Electronics Package (PEP), is a new design for UML Rocketry, expanding the sensor package and capabilities from previous computers the club has developed.
Secondary Payload: Altitude Control System (ACS)
To complete the second part of our mission, delivering our Primary payload to a specific target altitude, we will be developing a system to modify our altitude in flight so that we can accurately hit that goal. This system will utilize the development that is happening with PERR-C by using the same electronic design for the electronics controlling the ACS.
UPcoming Events FOR UMLRC - SL
Full-Scale Demonstration 1 (NASA Vehicle Demonstration flight)
Date: NET February 8th, 2025
Back Up Days: February 15th, February 22nd, March 15th.
Time: 10AM - 2PM EST
Location: Gilford, NH (LWHPR), St. Albans, VT (CRMRC)
Goal: Test the vehicle's stability in flight, prove the vehicle's recovery system works as designed, and test the ACS to make sure it is safe
Full-Scale Demonstration 2 (NASA Payload Demonstration Flight)
Date: NET February 22nd, 2025
Back-up Days: March 15th
Time: 10AM - 2PM EST
Location: Gilford, NH (LWHPR), St. Albans, VT (CRMRC)
Goal: Demonstrate the payloads ability to complete the mission without posing a hazard to the range.