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From Terra With Love - Test Flight 2 - 20240519

Flight History

Total Flights: 2 (1 Mostly Successful, 1 Partial Failure)

Flight 1: Test Flight 1
Result: Partial Failure (Partial Failure of Recovery system, Failure of Live Telemetry Test)
Location: Amesbury, MA.
Apogee: 1300ft

The first flight of From Terra With Love aimed to test the basics of the rocket, including the deployment of the recovery system, fly-away rail guides, and Live Telemetry. While the ascent of the vehicle was nominal, we were not able to achieve a live telemetry connection. The Drogue parachute deployed without issue at apogee. The command to deploy the main parachute was sent at 400ft AGL, the ejection charge fired and opened the bay, but the parachute failed to fully eject. The vehicle then landed at ~35mph, but sustained no damage.


Flight 2: Test Flight 2
Result: Mostly Successful (Unsafe Pitch During Ascent)
Location: St.Albans, VT.
Apogee: 4400ft

The second flight with From Terra With Love was to test the design changes of the recovery system and test the teams' ability to track a flight above 3000ft AGL. Shortly after clearing the guide rail, the fly-away rail guide impacted the front side fin, causing a large pitch in the flight path. The vehicle was able to regain stability, but at a pitch of ~30 degrees from vertical. The large pitch and oscillation encountered during the beginning of flight did not cease until after burnout of the motor, leading to large cosine losses and an overall loss of expected altitude of nearly 1200ft from the simulation. However, the team was able to track the rocket using telemetry received during launch and the recovery system performed flawlessly.


SCHEDuled launches

Flight 3: Transonic Test Flight
Date: NET 2/8 
Location: Lake Winniepesakuee, Gilford NH (LWHPR) 
Motor: Cessaroni Pro54-5G K261 White Long Burn
Simulated Altitude: 14,500ft
Simulated Velocity: Mach 1.05
Secondary Payloads: On-board Camera